Terkini :

EzBiz: Registration of Business

What is EzBiz ?

  1. EzBiz is an online business registration provided by SSM to allow user to do new registration, to register changes, to terminate and purchase business information.
  2. Alternative way "over-the-counter" transactions which is simple, quick and hassle free.

  3. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by accessing
  4.  www.ezbiz.ssm.com.my.

How to use EzBiz ?

  1. Owner must be Malaysian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Malaysia.
  2. Owner must be aged between 18 years and above.
  3. Every owner/ partners have to register as user of Ezbiz Online and visit the nearest SSM office for one-time activation.

What are the services offered ?

  1. New business registration:-
    1. Personal Name
    2. Trade Name
  2. Change of business particulars:-
    1. Principal business address/mailing address
    2. Type of business
    3. Particulars on branches
    4. Note: Changes of information of owner/partner and residential address - can only be done over the counter
  3. Business renewal:-
    1. Renewal period prior or within 12 months after expired date.
  4. Business termination:-
    1. Only for active business.
  5. Compound Services:-
    1. To view outstanding compound
    2. To make an online compound payment

How much is the fees?

  1. New business registration:
    1. Personal Name = RM30.00 per year
    2. Trade Name = RM60.00 per year
  2. Change of business particulars = RM20.00
    1. Branch(s) = RM5 per year for each branch
  3. Business termination
    1. No fee is required
  4. Business renewal
    1. Personal Name = RM30.00 per year
    2. Trade Name = RM60.00 per year
    3. Branch(s) = RM5.00 per year for each branch
  5. Business information = RM10.00

What is the mode of payment ?

  1. Credit card and FPX (Financial Process Exchange - Online banking)

Status & Download 

  1. User will receive email notification regarding the application status. On ce the registration has been approved, user may download registration form, certificate and business information (if any) through Ezbiz Online Portal.

How to reply/ answer query and how to download & print certificate and business info ? 

  1. User must reply/ answer the query through Ezbiz Portal within 30 days from the query date
  2. User must download certificate and business info within 14 days after application approve/success : Download

User Manual (Download here) 

  1. Business Renewal: Download
  2. Business Registration: Download
  3. Change of business particulars: Download
  4. Business Termination: Download
  5. Compound Services: Download

Client Charter Ezbiz Online

  1. Application received before 12.00 pm will be processed before 5.00 pm on the same day, application received after 12.00 pm will be processed before 12.00 pm on the next day
  2. Application received on weekend such as Saturday, Sunday or public holiday will be processed before 12.00 pm on the next working day after the weekend or holidays
  3. For reinstatement of the ineligible application for registration will be processed within 24 hours after feedback is received (query is answered)

Contact Us

  1. Call Centre for related enquiry : 
  2. +603 7721 4000
  3. E-mail for general enquiry : 
  4. enquiry@ssm.com.my

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